You consider not showing up to class at all. You do some calculations in your head.
It takes you approximately half an hour to get ready and drive to school. It is currently 8:35am.
At best, you will arrive at 9:05am. School starts at 8:45am.
Accounting for all best possible circumtances, you will be at least 20 minutes late.

You might as well not show up at all.

The administration considers being over 15 minutes a truency, so you might as well just skip the rest of the 58 minute class.
Of course, if you skipped brushing your teeth and showering, you could maybe make it just in time for a classic tardy.
But is it really the better option?
If you make it to school anywhere between the 8:45-9:00am time slot, it will mean your sixth tardy of the semester.

Six tardies means SATURDAY SCHOOL, which basically means you might as well kill yourself.

There's no point in living if it means you have to spend another four hours of your life with that one bitch with the nasally voice.

If you simply did not show up, it would only be your second truancy of the semester, which means you will face little repercussion.
It's unfortunate that you may have to sacrifice your education for the sake of avoiding punishment, but such is the way of the administration.